Papers updated in last 365 days (Page 28 of 2734 results)

Last updated:  2023-05-15
SCARF: A Low-Latency Block Cipher for Secure Cache-Randomization
Federico Canale, Tim Güneysu, Gregor Leander, Jan Philipp Thoma, Yosuke Todo, Rei Ueno
Show abstract
Randomized cache architectures have proven to significantly increase the complexity of contention-based cache side channel attacks and therefore pre\-sent an important building block for side channel secure microarchitectures. By randomizing the address-to-cache-index mapping, attackers can no longer trivially construct minimal eviction sets which are fundamental for contention-based cache attacks. At the same time, randomized caches maintain the flexibility of traditional caches, making them broadly applicable across various CPU-types. This is a major advantage over cache partitioning approaches. A large variety of randomized cache architectures has been proposed. However, the actual randomization function received little attention and is often neglected in these proposals. Since the randomization operates directly on the critical path of the cache lookup, the function needs to have extremely low latency. At the same time, attackers must not be able to bypass the randomization which would nullify the security benefit of the randomized mapping. In this paper we propose \cipher (\underline{S}ecure \underline{CA}che \underline{R}andomization \underline{F}unction), the first dedicated cache randomization cipher which achieves low latency and is cryptographically secure in the cache attacker model. The design methodology for this dedicated cache cipher enters new territory in the field of block ciphers with a small 10-bit block length and heavy key-dependency in few rounds.
Last updated:  2023-05-14
A note on ``a lightweight mutual authentication and key agreement protocol for remote surgery application in Tactile Internet environment''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
We show that the key agreement scheme [Comput. Commun., 2021(170): 1--18] is insecure against impersonation attacks, because there is a trivial equality which results in the loss of data confidentiality.
Last updated:  2023-05-13
The geometric interpretation of the Tate pairing and its applications
Damien Robert
While the Weil pairing is geometric, the Tate pairing is arithmetic: its value depends on the base field considered. Nevertheless, the étale topology allows to interpret the Galois action in a geometric manner. In this paper, we discuss this point of view for the Tate pairing: its natural geometric interpretation is that it gives étale $\mu_n$-torsors. While well known to experts, this interpretation is perhaps less known in the cryptographic community. As an application, we explain how to use the Tate pairing to study the fibers of an isogeny, and we prove a conjecture by Castryck and Decru on multiradical isogenies.
Last updated:  2023-05-13
MPC with Low Bottleneck-Complexity: Information-Theoretic Security and More
Hannah Keller, Claudio Orlandi, Anat Paskin-Cherniavsky, Divya Ravi
The bottleneck-complexity (BC) of secure multiparty computation (MPC) protocols is a measure of the maximum number of bits which are sent and received by any party in a protocol. As the name suggests, the goal of studying BC-efficient protocols is to increase overall efficiency by making sure that the workload in the protocol is somehow "amortized'' by the protocol participants. Orlandi et al. (PKC 2022) initiated the study of BC-efficient protocols from simple assumptions in the correlated randomness model and for semi-honest adversaries. In this work, we extend the study of Orlandi et al. in two primary directions: (a) to a larger and more general class of functions and (b) to the information-theoretic setting. In particular, we offer semi-honest secure protocols for the useful function classes of abelian programs, 'read-$k$' non-abelian programs, and 'read-$k$' generalized formulas. Our constructions use a novel abstraction, called 'incremental function secret-sharing' (IFSS), that can be instantiated with unconditional security or from one-way functions (with different efficiency trade-offs).
Last updated:  2023-05-13
Divide and Rule: DiFA - Division Property Based Fault Attacks on PRESENT and GIFT
Anup Kumar Kundu, Shibam Ghosh, Dhiman Saha, Mostafizar Rahman
The division property introduced by Todo in Crypto 2015 is one of the most versatile tools in the arsenal of a cryptanalyst which has given new insights into many ciphers primarily from an algebraic perspective. On the other end of the spectrum we have fault attacks which have evolved into the deadliest of all physical attacks on cryptosystems. The current work aims to combine these seemingly distant tools to come up with a new type of fault attack. We show how fault invariants are formed under special input division multi-sets and are independent of the fault injection location. It is further shown that the same division trail can be exploited as a multi-round Zero-Sum distinguisher to reduce the key-space to practical limits. As a proof of concept division trails of PRESENT and GIFT are exploited to mount practical key-recovery attacks based on the random nibble fault model. For GIFT-64, we are able to recover the unique master-key with 30 nibble faults with faults injected at rounds 21 and 19. For PRESENT-80, DiFA reduces the key-space from $2^{80}$ to $2^{16}$ with 15 faults in round 25 while for PRESENT-128, the unique key is recovered with 30 faults in rounds 25 and 24. This constitutes the best fault attacks on these ciphers in terms of fault injection rounds. We also report an interesting property pertaining to fault induced division trails which shows its inapplicability to attack GIFT-128. Overall, the usage of division trails in fault based cryptanalysis showcases new possibilities and reiterates the applicability of classical cryptanalytic tools in physical attacks.
Last updated:  2023-05-13
Bitcoin-Enhanced Proof-of-Stake Security: Possibilities and Impossibilities
Ertem Nusret Tas, David Tse, Fangyu Gai, Sreeram Kannan, Mohammad Ali Maddah-Ali, Fisher Yu
Bitcoin is the most secure blockchain in the world, supported by the immense hash power of its Proof-of-Work miners. Proof-of-Stake chains are energy-efficient, have fast finality but face several security issues: susceptibility to non-slashable long-range safety attacks, low liveness resilience and difficulty to bootstrap from low token valuation. We show that these security issues are inherent in any PoS chain without an external trusted source, and propose a new protocol, Babylon, where an off-the-shelf PoS protocol checkpoints onto Bitcoin to resolve these issues. An impossibility result justifies the optimality of Babylon. A use case of Babylon is to reduce the stake withdrawal delay: our experimental results show that this delay can be reduced from weeks in existing PoS chains to less than 5 hours using Babylon, at a transaction cost of less than 10K USD per annum for posting the checkpoints onto Bitcoin.
Last updated:  2023-05-13
Benchmarking ZK-Circuits in Circom
Colin Steidtmann, Sanjay Gollapudi
Zero-knowledge proofs and arithmetic circuits are essential building blocks in modern cryptography, but comparing their efficiency across different implementations can be challenging. In this paper, we address this issue by presenting comprehensive benchmarking results for a range of signature schemes and hash functions implemented in Circom, a popular circuit language that has not been extensively benchmarked before. Our benchmarking statistics include prover time, verifier time, and proof size, and cover a diverse set of schemes including Poseidon, Pedersen, MiMC, SHA-256, ECDSA, EdDSA, Sparse Merkle Tree, and Keccak-256. We also introduce a new Circom circuit and a full JavaScript test suite for the Schnorr signature scheme. Our results offer valuable insights into the relative strengths and weaknesses of different schemes and frameworks, and confirm the theoretical predictions with precise real-world data. Our findings can guide researchers and practitioners in selecting the most appropriate scheme for their specific applications, and can serve as a benchmark for future research in this area.
Last updated:  2023-05-13
Locally Covert Learning
Justin Holmgren, Ruta Jawale
The goal of a covert learning algorithm is to learn a function $f$ by querying it, while ensuring that an adversary, who sees all queries and their responses, is unable to (efficiently) learn any more about $f$ than they could learn from random input-output pairs. We focus on a relaxation that we call local covertness, in which queries are distributed across $k$ servers and we only limit what is learnable by $k - 1$ colluding servers. For any constant $k$, we give a locally covert algorithm for efficiently learning any Fourier-sparse function (technically, our notion of learning is improper, agnostic, and with respect to the uniform distribution). Our result holds unconditionally and for computationally unbounded adversaries. Prior to our work, such an algorithm was known only for the special case of $O(\log n)$-juntas, and only with $k = 2$ servers, Ishai et al. (Crypto 2019). Our main technical observation is that the original Goldreich-Levin algorithm only utilizes i.i.d. pairs of correlated queries, where each half of every pair is uniformly random. We give a simple generalization of this algorithm in which pairs are replaced by $k$-tuples in which any $k - 1$ components are jointly uniform. The cost of this generalization is that the number of queries needed grows exponentially with $k$.
Last updated:  2023-05-13
PREs with HRA Security and Key Privacy Based on Standard LWE Assumptions
Yang Wang, Yanmin Zhao, Mingqiang Wang
Proxy re-encryption (PRE) schemes, which nicely solve the problem of delegating decryption rights, enable a semi-trusted proxy to transform a ciphertext encrypted under one key into a ciphertext of the same message under another arbitrary key. For a long time, the semantic security of PREs is quite similar to that of public key encryption (PKE) schemes. Cohen first pointed out the insufficiency of the security under chosen-plaintext attacks (CPA) of PREs in PKC 2019, and proposed a {\it{strictly stronger}} security notion, named security under honest re-encryption attacks (HRA), of PREs. Surprisingly, a few PREs satisfy the stronger HRA security and almost all of them are paring-based till now. To the best of our knowledge, we present the first detailed construction of HRA secure single-hop PREs based on standard LWE problems with {\it{comparably small and polynomially-bounded}} parameters in this paper. Combing known reductions, the HRA security of our PREs could also be guaranteed by the worst-case basic lattice problems (e.g. SIVP$_{\gamma}$). Meanwhile, our single-hop PRE schemes are also key-private, which means that the implicit identities of a re-encryption key will not be revealed even in the case of a proxy colluding with some corrupted users. Some discussions about key-privacy of multi-hop PREs are also proposed, which indicates that several constructions of multi-hop PREs do not satisfy their key-privacy definitions.
Last updated:  2023-05-12
Private Polynomial Commitments and Applications to MPC
Rishabh Bhadauria, Carmit Hazay, Muthuramakrishnan Venkitasubramaniam, Wenxuan Wu, Yupeng Zhang
Polynomial commitment schemes allow a prover to commit to a polynomial and later reveal the evaluation of the polynomial on an arbitrary point along with proof of validity. This object is central in the design of many cryptographic schemes such as zero-knowledge proofs and verifiable secret sharing. In the standard definition, the polynomial is known to the prover whereas the evaluation points are not private. In this paper, we put forward the notion of private polynomial commitments that capture additional privacy guarantees, where the evaluation points are hidden from the verifier while the polynomial is hidden from both. We provide concretely efficient constructions that allow simultaneously batch the verification of many evaluations with a small additive overhead. As an application, we design a new concretely efficient multi-party private set-intersection with malicious security and improved asymptotic communication and space complexities. We demonstrate the concrete efficiency of our construction via an implementation. Our scheme can prove $2^{10}$ evaluations of a private polynomial of degree $2^{10}$ in 157s. The proof size is only 169KB and the verification time is 11.8s. Moreover, we also implemented the multi-party private set intersection protocol and scale it to 1000 parties (which has not been shown before). The total running time for $2^{14}$ elements per party is 2,410 seconds. While existing protocols offer better computational complexity, our scheme offers significantly smaller communication and better scalability (in the number of parties) owing to better memory usage.
Last updated:  2023-05-12
Accelerated Encrypted Execution of General-Purpose Applications
Charles Gouert, Vinu Joseph, Steven Dalton, Cedric Augonnet, Michael Garland, Nektarios Georgios Tsoutsos
Fully Homomorphic Encryption (FHE) is a cryptographic method that guarantees the privacy and security of user data during computation. FHE algorithms can perform unlimited arithmetic computations directly on encrypted data without decrypting it. Thus, even when processed by untrusted systems, confidential data is never exposed. In this work, we develop new techniques for accelerated encrypted execution and demonstrate the significant performance advantages of our approach. Our current focus is the Fully Homomorphic Encryption over the Torus (CGGI) scheme, which is a current state-of-the-art method for evaluating arbitrary functions in the encrypted domain. CGGI represents a computation as a graph of homomorphic logic gates and each individual bit of the plaintext is transformed into a polynomial in the encrypted domain. Arithmetic on such data becomes very expensive: operations on bits become operations on entire polynomials. Therefore, evaluating even relatively simple nonlinear functions, such as a sigmoid, can take thousands of seconds on a single CPU thread. Using our novel framework for end-to-end accelerated encrypted execution called ArctyrEX, developers with no knowledge of complex FHE libraries can simply describe their computation as a C program that is evaluated over 40x faster on an NVIDIA DGX A100 and 6x faster with a single A100 relative to a 256-threaded CPU baseline.
Last updated:  2023-05-12
Efficient computation of $(3^n,3^n)$-isogenies
Thomas Decru, Sabrina Kunzweiler
The parametrization of $(3,3)$-isogenies by Bruin, Flynn and Testa requires over 37.500 multiplications if one wants to evaluate a single isogeny in a point. We simplify their formulae and reduce the amount of required multiplications by 94%. Further we deduce explicit formulae for evaluating $(3,3)$-splitting and gluing maps in the framework of the parametrization by Bröker, Howe, Lauter and Stevenhagen. We provide implementations to compute $(3^n,3^n)$-isogenies between principally polarized abelian surfaces with a focus on cryptographic application. Our implementation can retrieve Alice's secret isogeny in 11 seconds for the SIKEp751 parameters, which were aimed at NIST level 5 security.
Last updated:  2023-05-12
Secure Context Switching of Masked Software Implementations
Barbara Gigerl, Robert Primas, Stefan Mangard
Cryptographic software running on embedded devices requires protection against physical side-channel attacks such as power analysis. Masking is a widely deployed countermeasure against these attacksand is directly implemented on algorithmic level. Many works study the security of masked cryptographic software on CPUs, pointing out potential problems on algorithmic/microarchitecture-level, as well as corresponding solutions, and even show masked software can be implemented efficiently and with strong (formal) security guarantees. However, these works also make the implicit assumption that software is executed directly on the CPU without any abstraction layers in-between, i.e., they focus exclusively on the bare-metal case. Many practical applications, including IoT and automotive/industrial environments, require multitasking embedded OSs on which masked software runs as one out of many concurrent tasks. For such applications, the potential impact of events like context switches on the secure execution of masked software has not been studied so far at all. In this paper, we provide the first security analysis of masked cryptographic software spanning all three layers (SW, OS, CPU). First, we apply a formal verification approach to identify leaks within the execution of masked software that are caused by the embedded OS itself, rather than on algorithmic or microarchitecture level. After showing that these leaks are primarily caused by context switching, we propose several different strategies to harden a context switching routine against such leakage, ultimately allowing masked software from previous works to remain secure when being executed on embedded OSs. Finally, we present a case study focusing on FreeRTOS, a popular embedded OS for embedded devices, running on a RISC-V core, allowing us to evaluate the practicality and ease of integration of each strategy.
Last updated:  2023-05-12
From Unbalanced to Perfect: Implementation of Low Energy Stream Ciphers
Jikang Lin, Jiahui He, Yanhong Fan, Meiqin Wang
Low energy is an important aspect of hardware implementation. For energy-limited battery-powered devices, low energy stream ciphers can play an important role. In \texttt{IACR ToSC 2021}, Caforio et al. proposed the Perfect Tree energy model for stream cipher that links the structure of combinational logic circuits with state update functions to energy consumption. In addition, a metric given by the model shows a negative correlation with energy consumption, i.e., the higher the balance of the perfect tree, the lower the energy consumption. However, Caforio et al. didn't give a method that eliminate imbalances of the unrolled strand tree for the existing stream ciphers. In this paper, based on the Perfect Tree energy model, we propose a new redundant design model that improve the balances of the unrolled strand tree for the purpose of reducing energy consumption. In order to obtain the redundant design, we propose a search algorithm for returning the corresponding implementation scheme. For the existing stream ciphers, the proposed model and search method can be used to provide a low-power redundancy design scheme. To verify the effectiveness, we apply our redundant model and search method in the stream ciphers (e.g., \texttt{Trivium} and \texttt{Kreyvium}) and conducted a synthetic test. The results of the energy measurement demonstrate that the proposed model and search method can obtain lower energy consumption.
Last updated:  2023-05-12
Efficient and Secure Quantile Aggregation of Private Data Streams
Xiao Lan, Hongjian Jin, Hui Guo, Xiao Wang
Computing the quantile of a massive data stream has been a crucial task in networking and data management. However, existing solutions assume a centralized model where one data owner has access to all data. In this paper, we put forward a study of secure quantile aggregation between private data streams, where data streams owned by different parties would like to obtain a quantile of the union of their data without revealing anything else about their inputs. To this end, we designed efficient cryptographic protocols that are secure in the semi-honest setting as well as the malicious setting. By incorporating differential privacy, we further improve the efficiency by 1.1× to 73.1×. We implemented our protocol, which shows practical efficiency to aggregate real-world data streams efficiently.
Last updated:  2023-05-12
An Efficient Strategy to Construct a Better Differential on Multiple-Branch-Based Designs: Application to Orthros
Kazuma Taka, Tatusya Ishikawa, Kosei Sakamoto, Takanori Isobe
As low-latency designs tend to have a small number of rounds to decrease latency, the differential-type cryptanalysis can become a significant threat to them. In particular, since a multiple-branch-based design, such as Orthros can have the strong clustering effect on differential attacks due to its large internal state, it is crucial to investigate the impact of the clustering effect in such a design. In this paper, we present a new SAT-based automatic search method for evaluating the clustering effect in the multiple-branch-based design. By exploiting an inherent trait of multiple-branch-based designs, our method enables highly efficient evaluations of clustering effects on this-type designs. % that a conventional method by automatic search tools. We apply our method to the low-latency PRF Orthros, and show a best differential distinguisher reaching up to 7 rounds of Orthros with $2^{116.806}$ time/data complexity and 9-round distinguisher for each underlying permutation which is 2 more rounds than known longest distinguishers. Besides, we update the designer's security bound for differential attacks based on the lower bounds for the number of active S-boxes, and obtain the optimal differential characteristic of Orthros, Branch 1, and Branch 2 for the first time. Consequently, we improve the designer's security bound from 9/12/12 to 7/10/10 rounds for Orthros/Branch 1/Branch 2 based on a single differential characteristic.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
Group Time-based One-time Passwords and its Application to Efficient Privacy-Preserving Proof of Location
Zheng Yang, Chenglu Jin, Jianting Ning, Zengpeng Li, Tien Tuan Anh Dinh, Jianying Zhou
Time-based One-Time Password (TOTP) provides a strong second factor for user authentication. In TOTP, a prover authenticates to a verifier by using the current time and a secret key to generate an authentication token (or password) which is valid for a short time period. Our goal is to extend TOTP to the group setting, and to provide both authentication and privacy. To this end, we introduce a new authentication scheme, called Group TOTP (GTOTP), that allows the prover to prove that it is a member of an authenticated group without revealing its identity. We propose a novel construction that transforms any asymmetric TOTP scheme into a GTOTP scheme. Our approach combines Merkle tree and Bloom filter to reduce the verifier's states to constant sizes. As a promising application of GTOTP, we show that GTOTP can be used to construct an efficient privacy-preserving Proof of Location (PoL) scheme. We utilize a commitment protocol, a privacy-preserving location proximity scheme, and our GTOTP scheme to build the PoL scheme, in which GTOTP is used not only for user authentication but also as a tool to glue up other building blocks. In the PoL scheme, with the help of some witnesses, a user can prove its location to a verifier, while ensuring the identity and location privacy of both the prover and witnesses. Our PoL scheme outperforms the alternatives based on group digital signatures. We evaluate our schemes on Raspberry Pi hardware, and demonstrate that they achieve practical performance. In particular, the password generation and verification time are in the order of microseconds and milliseconds, respectively, while the computation time of proof generation is less than $1$ second.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
SIDH Proof of Knowledge
Luca De Feo, Samuel Dobson, Steven D. Galbraith, Lukas Zobernig
We show that the soundness proof for the De Feo-Jao-Plut identification scheme (the basis for supersingular isogeny Diffie--Hellman (SIDH) signatures) contains an invalid assumption, and we provide a counterexample for this assumption---thus showing the proof of soundness is invalid. As this proof was repeated in a number of works by various authors, multiple pieces of literature are affected by this result. Due to the importance of being able to prove knowledge of an SIDH key (for example, to prevent adaptive attacks), soundness is a vital property. Surprisingly, the problem of proving knowledge of a specific isogeny turns out to be considerably more difficult than was perhaps anticipated. The main results of this paper are a sigma protocol to prove knowledge of a walk of specified length in a supersingular isogeny graph, and a second one to additionally prove that the isogeny maps some torsion points to some other torsion points (as seen in SIDH public keys). Our scheme also avoids the SIDH identification scheme soundness issue raised by Ghantous, Pintore and Veroni. In particular, our protocol provides a non-interactive way of verifying correctness of SIDH public keys, and related statements, as protection against adaptive attacks. Post-scriptum: Some months after this work was completed and made public, the SIDH assumption was broken in a series of papers by several authors. Hence, in the standard SIDH setting, some of the statements studied here now have trivial polynomial time non-interactive proofs. Nevertheless our first sigma protocol is unaffected by the attacks, and our second protocol may still be useful in present and future variants of SIDH that escape the attacks.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
Quantum Implementation of ASCON Linear Layer
Soham Roy, Anubhab Baksi, Anupam Chattopadhyay
In this paper, we show an in-place implementation of the ASCON linear layer. An in-place implementation is important in the context of quantum computing, we expect our work will be useful in quantum implementation of ASCON. In order to get the implementation, we first write the ASCON linear layer as a binary matrix; then apply two legacy algorithms (Gauss-Jordan elimination and PLU factorization) as well as our modified version of Xiang et al.'s algorithm/source-code (published in ToSC/FSE'20). Our in-place implementation takes 1595 CNOT gates and 119 quantum depth; and this is the first in-place implementation of the ASCON linear layer, to the best of our knowledge.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
SigRec: Automatic Recovery of Function Signatures in Smart Contracts
Ting Chen, Zihao Li, Xiapu Luo, Xiaofeng Wang, Ting Wang, Zheyuan He, Kezhao Fang, Yufei Zhang, Hang Zhu, Hongwei Li, Yan Cheng, Xiaosong Zhang
Millions of smart contracts have been deployed onto Ethereum for providing various services, whose functions can be invoked. For this purpose, the caller needs to know the function signature of a callee, which includes its function id and parameter types. Such signatures are critical to many applications focusing on smart contracts, e.g., reverse engineering, fuzzing, attack detection, and profiling. Unfortunately, it is challenging to recover the function signatures from contract bytecode, since neither debug information nor type information is present in the bytecode. To address this issue, prior approaches rely on source code, or a collection of known signatures from incomplete databases or incomplete heuristic rules, which, however, are far from adequate and cannot cope with the rapid growth of new contracts. In this paper, we propose a novel solution that leverages how functions are handled by Ethereum virtual machine (EVM) to automatically recover function signatures. In particular, we exploit how smart contracts determine the functions to be invoked to locate and extract function ids, and propose a new approach named type-aware symbolic execution (TASE) that utilizes the semantics of EVM operations on parameters to identify the number and the types of parameters. Moreover, we develop SigRec , a new tool for recovering function signatures from contract bytecode without the need of source code and function signature databases. The extensive experimental results show that SigRec outperforms all existing tools, achieving an unprecedented 98.7 percent accuracy within 0.074 seconds. We further demonstrate that the recovered function signatures are useful in attack detection, fuzzing and reverse engineering of EVM bytecode.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
Tracing Quantum State Distinguishers via Backtracking
Mark Zhandry
We show the following results: - The post-quantum equivalence of indistinguishability obfuscation and differing inputs obfuscation in the restricted setting where the outputs differ on at most a polynomial number of points. Our result handles the case where the auxiliary input may contain a quantum state; previous results could only handle classical auxiliary input. - Bounded collusion traitor tracing from general public key encryption, where the decoder is allowed to contain a quantum state. The parameters of the scheme grow polynomially in the collusion bound. - Collusion-resistant traitor tracing with constant-size ciphertexts from general public key encryption, again for quantum state decoders. The public key and secret keys grow polynomially in the number of users. - Traitor tracing with embedded identities in the keys, again for quantum state decoders, under a variety of different assumptions with different parameter size trade-offs. Traitor tracing and differing inputs obfuscation with quantum decoders / auxiliary input arises naturally when considering the post-quantum security of these primitives. We obtain our results by abstracting out a core algorithmic model, which we call the Back One Step (BOS) model. We prove a general theorem, reducing many quantum results including ours to designing classical algorithms in the BOS model. We then provide simple algorithms for the particular instances studied in this work.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
Statement-Oblivious Threshold Witness Encryption
Sebastian Faust, Carmit Hazay, David Kretzler, Benjamin Schlosser
The notion of witness encryption introduced by Garg et al. (STOC'13) allows to encrypt a message under a statement $x$ from some NP-language $\mathcal{L}$ with associated relation $(x,w) \in \mathcal{R}$, where decryption can be carried out with the corresponding witness $w$. Unfortunately, known constructions for general-purpose witness encryption rely on strong assumptions, and are mostly of theoretical interest. To address these shortcomings, Goyal et al. (PKC'22) recently introduced a blockchain-based alternative, where a committee decrypts ciphertexts when provided with a valid witness w. Blockchain-based committee solutions have recently gained broad interest to offer security against more powerful adversaries and construct new cryptographic primitives. We follow this line of work, and propose a new notion of statement-oblivious threshold witness encryption. Our new notion offers the functionality of committee-based witness encryption while additionally hiding the statement used for encryption. We present two ways to build statement-oblivious threshold witness encryption, one generic transformation based on anonymous threshold identity-based encryption (A-TIBE) and one direct construction based on bilinear maps. Due to the lack of efficient A-TIBE schemes, the former mainly constitutes a feasibility result, while the latter yields a concretely efficient scheme.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
New Bounds on the Accuracy of Majority Voting for Multi-Class Classification
Sina Aeeneh
Majority voting is a simple mathematical function that returns the value that appears most often in a set. As a popular decision fusion technique, the majority voting function (MVF) finds applications in resolving conflicts, where a number of independent voters report their opinions on a classification problem. Despite its importance and its various applications in ensemble learning, data crowd-sourcing, remote sensing, and data oracles for blockchains, the accuracy of the MVF for the general multi-class classification problem has remained unknown. In this paper, we derive a new upper bound on the accuracy of the MVF for the multi-class classification problem. More specifically, we show that under certain conditions, the error rate of the MVF exponentially decays toward zero as the number of voters increases. Conversely, the error rate of the MVF exponentially grows towards one if these conditions are not met. We first explore the problem for independent and identically distributed voters where we assume that every voter follows the same conditional probability distribution for voting for different classes, given the true classification of the data point. Next, we extend our results for the case where the voters are independent but non-identically distributed. Using the derived results, we then provide a discussion on the accuracy of the truth discovery algorithms. We show that in the best-case scenarios, truth discovery algorithms operate as an amplified MVF and thereby achieve a small error rate only when the MVF achieves a small error rate, and vice versa, achieve a large error rate when the MVF also achieves a large error rate. In the worst-case scenario, the truth discovery algorithms may achieve a higher error rate than the MVF. Finally, we confirm our theoretical results using simulations.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
Arithmetization of predicates into Halo 2 using application specific trace types
Morgan Thomas
This note provides an update on the Open Specification Language (OSL) circuit compiler. OSL is a language based on predicate logic which is amenable to compilation to arithmetic constraint systems for use in constructing (zk-)SNARKs. This system provides an alternative to universal zk-VMs and low level ad hoc constructions of arithmetic constraint systems, which is potentially more efficient than universal zk-VMs but more cost effective as a development approach than low level ad hoc constructions.
Last updated:  2023-05-11
Improved Estimation of Key Enumeration with Applications to Solving LWE
Alessandro Budroni, Erik Mårtensson
In post-quantum cryptography (PQC), Learning With Errors (LWE) is one of the dominant underlying mathematical problems. For example, in NIST's PQC standardization process, the Key Encapsulation Mechanism (KEM) protocol chosen for standardization was Kyber, an LWE-based scheme. Recently the dual attack surpassed the primal attack in terms of concrete complexity for solving the underlying LWE problem for multiple cryptographic schemes, including Kyber. The dual attack consists of a reduction part and a distinguishing part. When estimating the cost of the distinguishing part, one has to estimate the expected cost of enumerating over a certain number of positions of the secret key. Our contribution consists of giving a polynomial-time approach for calculating the expected complexity of such an enumeration procedure. This allows us to revise the complexity of the dual attack on the LWE-based protocols Kyber, Saber and TFHE. For all these schemes we improve upon the total bit-complexity in both the classical and the quantum setting. As our method of calculating the expected cost of enumeration is fairly general, it might be of independent interest in other areas of cryptography or even in other research areas.
Last updated:  2023-05-10
NTWE: A Natural Combination of NTRU and LWE
Joel Gärtner
Lattice-based cryptosystems are some of the primary post-quantum secure alternatives to the asymmetric cryptography that is used today. These lattice-based cryptosystems typically rely on the hardness of some version of either the NTRU or the LWE problem. In this paper, we present the NTWE problem, a natural combination of the NTRU and LWE problems, and construct a new lattice-based cryptosystem based on the hardness of the NTWE problem. As with the NTRU and LWE problems, the NTWE problem naturally corresponds to a problem in a $q$-ary lattice. This allows the hardness of the NTWE problem to be estimated in the same way as it is estimated for the LWE and NTRU problems. We parametrize our cryptosystem from such a hardness estimate and the resulting scheme has performance that is competitive with that of typical lattice-based schemes. In some sense, our NTWE-based cryptosystem can be seen as a less structured and more compact version of a cryptosystem based on the module-NTRU problem. Thus, parameters for our cryptosystem can be selected with the flexibility of a module-LWE-based scheme, while other properties of our system are more similar to those in an NTRU-based system.
Last updated:  2023-05-10
Efficient Code Based Cryptosystem with Dual Inverse Matrix
Farshid Haidary Makoui, T. Aaron Gulliver, Mohammad Dakhilalian
The security of cryptographic primitives is an important issue. The Shor algorithm illustrates how quantum attacks threaten the security of these widely used primitives. Code-based cryptography is one of several approaches resistant to quantum attacks. To date, no attack has been able to break a code-based cryptosystem in polynomial time. Despite this level of security, these cryptosystems have not been considered for practical applications such as e-commerce, medical and industrial IoT, finance, blockchain, mobile services, and online banking. The main reason is the large public and private key sizes. This paper presents a new code-based cryptosystem based on inverse parity check matrices. The dual matrix provides both a parity check matrix transpose and a parity check matrix inverse. These are employed in the key generation, encryption, and decryption algorithms. The proposed scheme provides public and private key sizes smaller than the McEliece cryptosystem and has a higher level of security.
Last updated:  2023-05-10
Generalized Inverse Binary Matrix Construction with PKC Application
Farshid Haidary Makoui, Thomas Aaron Guliver
The generalized inverses of systematic non-square binary matrices have applications in mathematics, channel coding and decoding, navigation signals, machine learning, data storage, and cryptography, such as the McEliece and Niederreiter public-key cryptosystems. A systematic non-square (n−k)×n matrix H, n > k, has 2 power k×(n−k) different generalized inverse matrices. This paper presents an algorithm for generating these matrices and compares it with two well-known methods, i.e. Gauss-Jordan elimination and Moore-Penrose. A random generalized inverse matrix construction method is given, which has a lower execution time than the Gauss-Jordan elimination and Moore-Penrose approaches. This paper also expands the novel idea to non-systematic non-square binary matrices and provides an application in public-key cryptosystems.
Last updated:  2023-05-10
Thora: Atomic and Privacy-Preserving Multi-Channel Updates
Lukas Aumayr, Kasra Abbaszadeh, Matteo Maffei
Most blockchain-based cryptocurrencies suffer from a heavily limited transaction throughput, which is a barrier to their growing adoption. Payment channel networks (PCNs) are one of the promising solutions to this problem. PCNs reduce the on-chain load of transactions and increase the throughput by processing many payments off-chain. In fact, any two users connected via a path of payment channels (i.e., joint addresses between the two channel end-points) can perform payments, and the underlying blockchain is used only when there is a dispute between users. Unfortunately, payments in PCNs can only be conducted securely along a path, which prevents the design of many interesting applications. Moreover, the most widely used implementation, the Lightning Network in Bitcoin, suffers from a collateral lock time linear in the path length, it is affected by security issues, and it relies on specific scripting features called Hash Timelock Contracts that hinders the applicability of the underlying protocol in other blockchains. In this work, we present Thora, the first Bitcoin-compatible off-chain protocol that enables the atomic update of arbitrary channels (i.e., not necessarily forming a path). This enables the design of a number of new off-chain applications, such as payments across different PCNs sharing the same blockchain, secure and trustless crowdfunding, and channel rebalancing. Our construction requires no specific scripting functionalities other than digital signatures and timelocks, thereby being applicable to a wider range of blockchains. We formally define security and privacy in the Universal Composability framework and show that our cryptographic protocol is a realization thereof. In our performance evaluation, we show that our construction requires only constant collateral, independently from the number of channels, and has only a moderate off-chain communication as well as computation overhead.
Last updated:  2023-05-10
Two-Client Inner-Product Functional Encryption, with an Application to Money-Laundering Detection
Paola de Perthuis, David Pointcheval
In this paper, we extend Inner-Product Functional Encryption (IPFE), where there is just a vector in the key and a vector in the single sender's ciphertext, to two-client ciphertexts. More precisely, in our two-client functional encryption scheme, there are two data providers who can independently encrypt vectors $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ for a data consumer who can, from a functional decryption key associated to a vector $\mathbf{\alpha}$, compute $\sum \alpha_i x_i y_i = \mathbf{x} \cdot \mathsf{Diag}(\mathbf{\alpha}) \cdot \mathbf{y}^\top$. Ciphertexts are linear in the dimension of the vectors, whereas the functional decryption keys are of constant size. We study two interesting particular cases: - 2-party Inner-Product Functional Encryption, with $\mathbf{\alpha}= (1,\ldots,1)$. There is a unique functional decryption key, which enables the computation of $\mathbf{x}\cdot \mathbf{y}^\top$ by a third party, where $\mathbf{x}$ and $\mathbf{y}$ are provided by two independent clients; - Inner-Product Functional Encryption with a Selector, with $\mathbf{x}= \mathbf{x}_0 \| \mathbf{x}_1$ and $\mathbf{y}= \bar{b}^n \| b^n \in \{ 1^n \| 0^n, 0^n \| 1^n \}$, for some bit $b$, on the public coefficients $\mathbf{\alpha} = \mathbf{\alpha}_0 \| \mathbf{\alpha}_1$, in the functional decryption key, so that one gets $\mathbf{x}_b \cdot \mathbf{\alpha}_b^\top$, where $\mathbf{x}$ and $b$ are provided by two independent clients. This result is based on the fundamental Product-Preserving Lemma, which is of independent interest. It exploits Dual Pairing Vector Spaces (DPVS), with security proofs under the $\mathsf{SXDH}$ assumption. We provide two practical applications: to medical diagnosis for the latter IPFE with Selector, and to money-laundering detection for the former 2-party IPFE, both with strong privacy properties, with adaptative security and the use of labels granting a Multi-Client Functional Encryption (MCFE) security for the scheme, thus enabling its use in practical situations.
Last updated:  2023-05-10
A note on ``faster and efficient cloud-server-aided data de-duplication scheme with an authenticated key agreement for Industrial Internet-of-Things''
Zhengjun Cao, Lihua Liu
We show that the data de-duplication scheme [Internet of Things, 2021(14): 100376] is flawed. (1) There are some inconsistent notations and false equations, which should be corrected. (2) The scheme fails to keep user anonymity, not as claimed. (3) The scheme could fail to keep data confidentiality.
Last updated:  2023-05-09
Ou: Automating the Parallelization of Zero-Knowledge Protocols
Yuyang Sang, Ning Luo, Samuel Judson, Ben Chaimberg, Timos Antonopoulos, Xiao Wang, Ruzica Piskac, Zhong Shao
A zero-knowledge proof (ZKP) is a powerful cryptographic primitive used in many decentralized or privacy-focused applications. However, the high overhead of ZKPs can restrict their practical applicability. We design a programming language, Ou, aimed at easing the programmer's burden when writing efficient ZKPs, and a compiler framework, Lian, that automates the analysis and distribution of statements to a computing cluster. Lian uses programming language semantics, formal methods, and combinatorial optimization to automatically partition an Ou program into efficiently sized chunks for parallel ZK-proving and/or verification. We contribute: • A front-end language where users can write proof statements as imperative programs in a familiar syntax; • A compiler architecture and implementation that automatically analyzes the program and compiles it into an optimized IR that can be lifted to a variety of ZKP constructions; and • A cutting algorithm, based on Pseudo-Boolean optimization and Integer Linear Programming, that reorders instructions and then partitions the program into efficiently sized chunks for parallel evaluation and efficient state reconciliation.
Last updated:  2023-05-09
Formalizing Soundness Proofs of SNARKs
Bolton Bailey, Andrew Miller
Succinct Non-interactive Arguments of Knowledge (SNARKs) have seen interest and development from the cryptographic community over recent years, and there are now constructions with very small proof size designed to work well in practice. A SNARK protocol can only be widely accepted as secure, however, if a rigorous proof of its security properties has been vetted by the community. Even then, it is sometimes the case that these security proofs are flawed, and it is then necessary for further research to identify these flaws and correct the record. To increase the rigor of these proofs, we turn to formal methods. Focusing on the soundness aspect of a widespread class of SNARKs, we formalize proofs for six different constructions, including the well-known Groth '16. Our codebase is written in the Lean 3 theorem proving language, and uses a variety of techniques to simplify and automate these proofs as much as possible.
Last updated:  2023-05-09
TandaPay Whistleblowing Communities: Shifting Workplace Culture Towards Zero-Tolerance Sexual Harassment Policies
Joshua Davis, Dr. Rashid Minhas, Michelle Casario
Abstract—Corporate sexual harassment policies often prioritize liability mitigation over the creation of a corporate culture free of harassment. Victims of sexual harassment are often required to report claims individually to HR. This can create an environment of self-censorship when employees feel that they cannot trust HR to act as an unbiased mediator. This problem is compounded when corporations have a culture that is tolerant of certain types of harassment. Forcing employees to report incidents to HR does nothing to address employees’ fear of bias and uncertainty. This paper presents TandaPay, a decentralized grievance reporting protocol designed to address sexual harassment. TandaPay empowers whistleblowing communities to collectively approve their own harassment claims. TandaPay reduces self-censorship by allowing employees to take ownership of the reporting process, as employees no longer need to rely on HR to act as an intermediary. The protocol employs a novel method of using financial incentives to guard against collusion. This provides corporations with a guarantee that employees can only approve valid claims. Using TandaPay, corporations can give employees greater autonomy with the goal of minimizing self-censorship. This increases the reporting of incidents, enabling workers to change the corporate culture to one of respect and accountability.
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