Paper 2025/355

Commit-and-Prove System for Vectors and Applications to Threshold Signing

Anja Lehmann, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam
Cavit Özbay, Hasso Plattner Institute, University of Potsdam

Multi-signatures allow to combine several individual signatures into a compact one and verify it against a short aggregated key. Compared to threshold signatures, multi-signatures enjoy non-interactive key generation but give up on the threshold-setting. Recent works by Das et al. (CCS'23) and Garg et al. (S&P'24) show how multi-signatures can be turned into schemes that enable efficient verification when an ad hoc threshold -- determined only at verification -- is satisfied. This allows to keep the simple key generation of multi-signatures and support flexible threshold settings in the signing process later on. Both works use the same idea of combining BLS multi-signatures with inner-product proofs over committed keys. Das et al. give a somewhat generic proof from both building blocks, which we show to be flawed, whereas Garg et al. give a direct proof for the combined construction in the algebraic group model. In this work, we identify the common blueprint used in both works and abstract the proof-based approach through the building block of a commit-and-prove system for vectors (CP). We formally define a flexible set of security properties for the CP system and show how it can be securely combined with a multi-signature to yield a signature with ad hoc thresholds. Our scheme also lifts the threshold signatures into the multiverse setting recently introduced by Baird et al. (S&P'23), which allows signers to re-use their long-term keys across several groups. The challenge in the generic construction is to express -- and realize -- the combination of homomorphic proofs and commitments (needed to realize flexible thresholds over fixed group keys) and their simulation extractability (needed in the threshold signature security proof). We finally show that a CP instantiation closely following the ideas of Das et al. can be proven secure, but requires a new flexible-base DL-assumption to do so.

Available format(s)
Public-key cryptography
Publication info
A major revision of an IACR publication in PKC 2025
Contact author(s)
anja lehmann @ hpi de
cavit oezbay @ hpi de
2025-03-04: approved
2025-02-25: received
See all versions
Short URL
Creative Commons Attribution


      author = {Anja Lehmann and Cavit Özbay},
      title = {Commit-and-Prove System for Vectors and Applications to Threshold Signing},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2025/355},
      year = {2025},
      url = {}
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