Paper 2025/051
Black-Box Registered ABE from Lattices
This paper presents the first black-box registered ABE for circuit from lattices. The selective security is based on evasive LWE assumption [EUROCRYPT'22, CRYPTO'22]. The unique prior Reg-ABE scheme from lattices is derived from non-black-box construction based on function-binding hash and witness encryption [CRYPTO'23]. Technically, we first extend the black-box registration-based encryption from standard LWE [CRYPTO'23] so that we can register a public key with a function; this yields a LWE-based Reg-ABE with ciphertexts of size $L \cdot \mathsf{polylog}(L)$ where $L$ is the number of users. We then make use of the special structure of its ciphertext to reduce its size to $\mathsf{polylog}(L)$ via an algebraic obfuscator based on evasive LWE [CRYPTO'24].
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- Public-key cryptography
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- Preprint.
- Contact author(s)
ziqizhu00 @ stu ecnu edu cn
kzhang @ shiep edu cn
zhlchen @ sei ecnu edu cn
jqgong @ sei ecnu edu cn
hfqian @ cs ecnu edu cn - History
- 2025-01-14: approved
- 2025-01-13: received
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@misc{cryptoeprint:2025/051, author = {Ziqi Zhu and Kai Zhang and Zhili Chen and Junqing Gong and Haifeng Qian}, title = {Black-Box Registered {ABE} from Lattices}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2025/051}, year = {2025}, url = {} }