Paper 2024/2084
Zero Knowledge Memory-Checking Techniques for Stacks and Queues
There are a variety of techniques for implementing read/write memory inside of zero-knowledge proofs and validating consistency of memory accesses. These techniques are generally implemented with the goal of implementing a RAM or ROM. In this paper, we present memory techniques for more specialized data structures: queues and stacks. We first demonstrate a technique for implementing queues in arithmetic circuits that requires 3 multiplication gates and 1 advice value per read and 2 multiplication gates per write. This is based on using Horner's Rule to evaluate 2 polynomials at random points and check that the values read from the queue are equal to the values written to the queue as vectors. Next, we present a stack scheme based on an optimized version of the RAM scheme of Yang and Heath that requires 5 multiplication gates and 4 advice values per read and 2 multiplication gates per write. This optimizes the RAM scheme by observing that reads and writes to a stack are already "paired" which avoids the need for inserting dummy operations for each access as in a stack. We also introduce a different notion of "multiplexing" or "operation privacy" that is better suited to the use case of stacks and queues. All of the techniques we provide are based on evaluating polynomials at random points and using randomly evaluated polynomials as universal hash functions to check set/vector equality.
- Available format(s)
- Category
- Cryptographic protocols
- Publication info
- Preprint.
- Keywords
- Zero-knowledge proofsSNARKsZK RAM
- Contact author(s)
- sfrolov @ umd edu
- History
- 2024-12-27: approved
- 2024-12-27: received
- See all versions
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@misc{cryptoeprint:2024/2084, author = {Alexander Frolov}, title = {Zero Knowledge Memory-Checking Techniques for Stacks and Queues}, howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/2084}, year = {2024}, url = {} }