Paper 2024/1763

Quantum Black-Box Separations: Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments from Falsifiable Assumptions

Gorjan Alagic, University of Maryland, College Park
Dana Dachman-Soled, University of Maryland, College Park
Manasi Shingane, University of Maryland, College Park
Patrick Struck, University of Konstanz

In their seminal work, Gentry and Wichs (STOC'11) established an impossibility result for the task of constructing an adaptively-sound SNARG via black-box reduction from a falsifiable assumption. An exciting set of recent SNARG constructions demonstrated that, if one adopts a weaker but still quite meaningful notion of adaptive soundness, then impossibility no longer holds (Waters-Wu, Waters-Zhandry, Mathialagan-Peters-Vaikunthanathan ePrint'24). These fascinating new results raise an intriguing possibility: is there a way to remove this slight weakening of adaptive soundness, thereby completely circumventing the Gentry-Wichs impossibility? A natural route to closing this gap would be to use a quantum black-box reduction, i.e., a reduction that can query the SNARG adversary on superpositions of inputs. This would take advantage of the fact that Gentry-Wichs only consider classical reductions. In this work, we show that this approach cannot succeed. Specifically, we extend the Gentry-Wichs impossibility result to quantum black-box reductions, and thereby establish an important limit on the power of such reductions.

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galagic @ umd edu
danadach @ umd edu
mshingan @ umd edu
patrick struck @ uni-konstanz de
2025-03-07: revised
2024-10-29: received
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      author = {Gorjan Alagic and Dana Dachman-Soled and Manasi Shingane and Patrick Struck},
      title = {Quantum Black-Box Separations: Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments from Falsifiable Assumptions},
      howpublished = {Cryptology {ePrint} Archive, Paper 2024/1763},
      year = {2024},
      url = {}
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